Presentations to the 2008
Lawrence St Patrick's Day Parade Charities !
and the County Fair Swim Club
Sunflower 6 News
Journal World
April 10, 2008
Only a few months ago, our
work began when the Committee invited local charities to apply to the Lawrence
St. Patrick’s Day Parade for funding. This year the Committee elected to provide
support for two very admirable groups, the Social Service League, and the County
Fair Swim Club. Both organizations have rich histories and
manifests our
community’s deep traditions. One holds the distinction of being the oldest
charitable organization in Lawrence—going back to 1861. The other provides an
activity center that has helped in bonding a neighborhood together for almost 50
This year, in its 21st year, the St. Patrick’s Day Parade of Lawrence continues to build its own traditional appeal. As evidenced by the number of people in our community who came out in less than desirable weather to watch and to participate in the 2008 Parade. For that, we thank everyone. The Parade not only entertains young and old, in addition, the Committee’s efforts along with the generosity of our friends and neighbors provide needed funding for local charities that benefit young people in our area.
The Committee is an all volunteer organization and does not start with a known budget from which we provide money to charitable causes. Rather, we invite those chosen to become partners with our committee and to share in our activities. Together as a team we reach out into the community informing everyone we can about those selected. Our intention is to make the community more aware of these organizations we support and that that awareness will continue furnishing support beyond the monies we provide them.
It must be said again that it is only the generous contributions and participation by individuals and businesses in our community who join us which make good things happen. St Patrick’s Day Parade fundraising events included our Annual Charity Benefit Auction, the 5K Shamrock Shuffle, T-shirt sales, Trivia Night, Dart Tourney, and a Motorcycle Run. We are here now to put that money to good use.
These organizations deserve special thanks for what they do for our community and for the enriching experience they have provided our committee. We are proud of these organizations and appreciate their hard work and their contributions.
Our fundraising activities conclude this year with checks being presented to the Social Service League, and the County Fair Swim Club in the amount of $22,000.00 each. We ask everyone to continue to keep these two organizations in mind for the future because; they deserve your ongoing support!
With the $44,000.00 being provided this year that brings the total given back to the community by the St. Patrick’s Day Parade to more than $479,000.00 to date and we are now looking forward to crossing the half-million dollar mark next year.
The St. Patrick’s Day Parade of Lawrence, KS
For information please call 749-6677 or